カオスちゃんねる : なんか最近の若者って、高級車とか時計に憧れ無い奴多いよな・・・ (via syuta)
(via pipco)
6users (aiws jam343 m1h0 niseoshou syumari ydhl07 )水木しげるさんのお宅に取材にうかがうと、棒のアイス(ガリガリくんではない)をごちそうしてくださった。食べ終わると「あたり」の文字が。水木さん「ありゃ、あたりだ」といって、冷凍庫からもう一本持ってきてくださった。私もそういう歳の取り方をしたいのだった。
”(via currychef)
6users (cherryberry jam343 kiyo3206 mizut0 nakazyo sytoh )5users (jennyhero jerricalynn moshpitromance ohwendydarling rubdown )"Dating deal-breakers?" aka Harry getting taken the completely wrong way and it’s the best thing that ever happened x
ところが、あるとき、そのメークさんがカミングアウトした。「私ね~~、ホントはオネエじゃないのよ! フツウのオッサンなのよ」と。
「メークってオネエが多いって、思われてるでしょ? でもね、実際には私のようにふりをしている人もかなりいるの。私も最初は、オネエのふりなんかしてなかった。でも、女性が多い職場だから、男に対して排他的な雰囲気があってね。『男のくせにメークなんて』とか、『メークになる男性は、女性っぽい』というイメージが、同業者にも世間にもあった」
”京極夏彦氏、今秋にも世界最長の長編小説を発表! 読書日記/ウェブリブログ (via yurikawa)
(via thinkeroid) 5users (criff fffkkkdddddd miffycore sanemat tanaka617 )The bigger issue with Miley Cyrus is her complete obliviousness to the differences in public reaction when it comes to herself versus black people. When Miley Cyrus plays at ratchet, we get three reactions: fangirls/fangays spooing all over themselves telling the internet how much they love her, non-fans giving deep eyerolls and moving on to the next, and middle-aged white people making vague statements about how they’re “concerned” about her state of mind. The reaction she does not get is that if she were shot by a neighborhood watchman, then she deserved it because she flips the bird and does drugs and glamorizes hoodrat behavior.
That’s my problem. My problem is black kids like Trayvon Martin play at being ratchet everyday and the rest of America looks at them like they’re all budding criminals. The defense in that case put Trayvon Martin’s character on trial, by wanting us to infer that he was headed down the wrong path to prison anyway. Because of a few Myspace photos and a toxicology report, we should be glad we got that thug off the streets. They turned him into a thug for doing the exact same things that Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber do, the exact same things that millions of little white kids do in their gated communities, driving around in Daddy’s SUV listening to old-school NWA and rolling spliffs and bragging about it on social media.
That is what white privilege looks like. If you are a white apologist who continuously doubts that white privilege exists, ask yourself if Miley Cyrus or any other 20-year-old white girl would be put on trial posthumously if someone shot her for walking around in a hoodie. That is the definition of white privilege.
”朝日新聞「子供のご両親はゲーム機を偶然装って踏んづけて壊したっていいんです」 - Togetter (via 46187)
(via bgnori)
4users (jahnkeyjedi salexkidd sunshinerecorder yossy441 )Twitter / @CopyPaste_bot (via ci-you)
parse error. 「ライスではないほうで」・・・・が正しい指定法方なのか。
(via bgnori)
4users (appbank saitamanaka stdesign tanakamp )精神科の待合とか普通の人ばっかだよ
(via mcafee-x6)人に気を使う人が精神疾患になりやすいってなんか哀しい
(via otama)
4users (200man glinglun nakazyo tmkj1 )Twitter / はまちや2 (via mug-g) (via tiga) (via petapeta) (via d-d-d)
(via land-q-girls) (via hsmt) (via mxcxrxjapan) (via qyen) (via plus16hours) (via kyohei1989) (via toukubo) (via ishida) (via gonsee) (via kuwataro) 2010-03-17 (via yasaiitame) (via talkabout) (via sai10t) (via takkkun)(via gosuke) (via headz) (via tundereforce) (via kumemoto) (via kyohei28-deactivated20111211-de) (via tlav95tlav95) (via tora-friday) (via kuzira8) (via yamada123456789) (via tiga) (via knnr) (via flatmountain) (via gscube) (via kojiroby) (via chordstriker) (via yellowblog) (via usaginobike) (via glasslipids)
(via asanuma) 4users (jyamil kagayakeruseishun mingonov minnanounko )人間が変わる方法は三つしかない。
Is anyone else sick of the jerk genius?
You know the one. He’s unprofessional, lazy, selfish and rude, and even makes frequent sexist and racist remarks against the people around him, but that’s OK, because he’s a genius. He’s the best doctor/detective/scientist around, so everyone will put up with his jerkitude. Respect for others is the foolish pastime of the less intelligent.
We’re clearly meant to admire these (exclusively male) characters, or at least be amused by their social ineptitude. Their dismissive attitude to others, and especially their sexist jokes to others, are aspirations. They’re geniuses, observant and intelligent. They are just telling it like it is!
Which is one of the reasons I really love Sherlock Holmes in new CBS drama, Elementary. Yes, he’s a genius, and yes, he’s kind of a jerk at times. But he isn’t allowed to get away with it. His rudeness, his laziness… these are clearly character flaws, and his (female!) partner isn’t afraid to call him on his nonsense. And in return, he says things he shouldn’t, but he also respects her, he listens to her, and he even apologizes for things that he does. He isn’t a genius running rampant in the city, above the concerns of all the other silly humans. He’s an intelligent, observant, but flawed human, and he has to follow the same laws of decency as the rest of us.
Twitter / inohohon (via imai78)
(via kararemichi)
3users (greybear tiga yue )-Pronto, polizia? Siamo in ostaggio di un pregiudicato.
-Mantenga la calma e mi dica dove vi trovate e quanti ne siete.
-Italia, 60 milioni.
(via gravitazero) 3users (betterwithchemistry forgottenbones spassky )小さい時ご飯粒残してたら親に「お米1粒作るのに1年かかるんだぞ!100粒作るのにどれくらいかかるんだ!」と言われて、100年て答えたら「1年に決まってんだろ!」て訳の分からない怒られ方をされたのを思い出した
Robin Thicke (no, really)
oh but he’s white so it’s harmless instead of those *gasp* rappers
seriously there’s a huge fucking deal about misogyny in hip hop and R&B, but it only focuses on artists who are PoC, yet some fucking gangrenous white boy can get away with this shit and nobody speaks up, he gets to perform on national television and there is no backlash
(via vivianvivisection)
3users (ignify itsdianuh thevaguestoffeeling )バレ速 世界が崩壊するすごい矛盾に気が付いた (via veadar3) (via gkojax) (via perfume-mania, kanmei)
2009-04-18 (via gkojay) (via erewwa) (via papermoon) (via johnnys) (via pechiyon) (via moon-cat) (via petapeta) (via gkojax) (via appbank) (via nashiko) (via yozora2) (via yellowblog) (via jesuisunechatte) (via pobmahw) (via slowsteps) (via wcrop, hishochi) (via rosarosa-over100notes) (via mise0) (via hy-11)
(via mmtki)
(via kowloon-lee) (via plasticdreams) (via appbank) 3users (m1h0 w01chota yossy441 )2010-10-16
(via mcsgsym)
(via cherub69)
3users (criff sunshinerecorder yossy441 )